
Triangulation and RTLS Systems
What is RTLS? Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) are solutions which uses technology to automatically identify and track the location of people or objects in "real time" through your facility, generally indoors, but sometimes outdoor as well. What are the components of...
What is RTLS?
What is RTLS? Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) is a solution which uses technology to automatically identify and track the location of people or objects in real time, usually within a defined, contained area. RTLS is a broad term; RTLS solutions can utilize a range...
Why Passive RFID Sensor Tags?
What if a passive RFID tag, a tag with no batteries or other power source other than the energy harvested from the tag reader, could tell us more about the environment it is located in? This is now possible with the expanding availability of passive UHF RFID sensor...
Top 8 Things to Consider Before Implementing RFID Tool Tracking
RFID tags attached to tools to help locate them and aid in tool check out and return to a central tool closet seems to make a lot of sense. It's an efficiency and productivity enhancing technology, but its performance can vary greatly based on how it is implemented....
RFID Tool Tracking and Unreasonable Expectations
Using RFID tags to keep track of tools is a great application of RFID and the use case comes up frequently. If done correctly, RFID can save an organization a ton of time and money along with reducing frustration for those in need of a tool that is missing in action...
How much does a tag cost? It depends.
While exhibiting at Pack Expo last October in Chicago, one of the most frequent questions I was asked was: How much does an RFID tag cost? My answer: 12 cents to more than $20. That’s a huge spread. I then explained further that the cost of a tag depends greatly...

Is RFID Watching You? Concerns with RFID and Privacy
While describing Telaeris and our products, I often discuss how we track people during emergency evacuations. This requires us to monitor access control systems, when & where people scan their badges, and sometimes provide RFID systems which actively track where...

RFID Blocking Wallets – Part 1 How Well Do They Work?
Sometimes connections can happen in unexpected ways. Through a program with the San Diego World Trade Organization, Telaeris became acquainted with Allett, a wallet manufacturing company, and its owner Bridget Muscat. Both of our companies are competing for the...

6 Ways to Print Serial Numbers on RFID Cards
Serialization Customers often want cards purchased from us to be serialized in one way or another. Serialization just means printing unique numbers on each card that correspond to similar information stored inside the RFID chip in the card. It is often used even...

Facing Off: 5 Things to Consider When Deciding Between RFID and Barcode
1. Where Will You Be Tracking Items? First, get a handle on where you will be using your barcode or RFID tags. Line of sight is required to read a barcode which can be a good thing or a bad thing. If your barcodes have the potential to be covered with dirt and the...

RFID – Saving the World One Tag at a Time
Being known as radio frequency identification (RFID) specialists, we get calls all the time about people who would like to use RFID technology to solve all of the worlds problems, one tag at a time. It always delights us to hear the creative ideas customers have for...

Reading Metal-Embedded RFID
A client recently brought an interesting challenge to the Telaeris team. They wanted to use our software for tracking check-outs and locations for items which were already RFID tagged for inspection purposes. These tags were built into heavy duty rigging equipment by...

Matching Barcodes and RFID Numbers
This article is a little more technical than most of what we put out, but we thought it would be useful to share with others. When customers order EPC-GEN2 Type UHF RFID tags from us, they often want a product that also has both a human readable number as well as a...

Mr. RFID-I-Sam and Testing RFID Tag Ranges
It recently occurred to me that this year marks my 20th year of experience with RFID. In 1992, my dad, David Carta Sr., had a customer in Chile who wanted to be able to identify cattle electronically using something called "RFID". The end user wanted a working sample...

RFIDs – One Handheld to Read Them All
The SmartAT870 is a lightweight and rugged (IP65 rated) mobile unit manufactured by SmarTerminal that Telaeris resells. It is an outstanding device, capable of reading most RFID tags, barcodes, and smart cards available. We get lots of questions regarding what this...

Merry Christmas RFID Style
The group here had a little fun this Christmas and wanted to share it with our friends. We hope you are able to enjoy time with your family during this holiday season. The video is especially relevant as we recently deployed our XPressEntry solution using 900 MHz UHF...

RFID Reflections
RFID technology is based on clear scientific principals. Tags gather the projected energy of radio waves in an electromagnetic field. The tags then reflect back an altered signal using a technique called back-scatter which the antennas receive. Because it is a...

Don’t Cross the RFID Line
A customer asked if we could use a passive UHF RFID (Ultra-High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification) system to monitor if employees crossed certain line in their warehouse. Because of the industry they were in, they could be assessed steep fines when unauthorized...

Overview of RFID Technology and Applications
About a year ago, Telaeris hosted a hands-on RFID Lunch & Learn, co-sponsored by IEEE. We had a full house filled with engineers, managers, and business owners. Lost of questions were asked and our attendees learned how they can utilize RFID to streamline...

The Lazy Man’s Approach to 10x Productivity
From 2015 through 2016, Telaeris executed a service contract with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton to assist them with labeling 30000 Base Property assets. This article is a high-level discussion of how Telaeris sped up the work process. For more detailed information...

RFID Makes Timekeeping Painless at Construction Site
Automation; it's what modern-day technology is all about! Recently, Telaeris was asked to simplify employee time-keeping for a construction yard using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. The company had 3000 employees and wanted to know...